Help Centre
What is the solution when my account balance is negative?
TOP1 features a negative balance protection mechanism for investors and they do not need to bear the negative balance in their account. When the mechanism is triggered, the system will notify investors by SMS or E-mail and will inform investors the following solutions:
1. Select "Balance Zero Out" on the "Assets" page. At this time, the negative balance in the account, event bonus and trading points will all be reset to zero;
2. Investor can ignore or refuse "Balance Zero Out" option and continue trading to receive the bonus after meeting the trading points from the trading event;
3. When the balance is negative and the account is not signed in for more than 3 days, it will automatically trigger the "Inactive Position Zero Out Mechanism".
Note: If investors ignore or refuse "Balance Zero Out", although it will not affect the deposit event or the bonus rewards, all deposits during the period will be used to offset the negative balance and will be displayed in the balance. For more information, please contact our Customer Support for further assistance.
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