What is Commodities trading?
Commodity trading is the practice of taking buy or sell positions in order to make a profit by predicting the price movement of a physical asset.
Commodities such as precious metals and energy have the potential to withstand inflation and add value to investments, making them a key component of a diversified investment strategy. Thanks to their high liquidity and volatility, they are highly sought after by investors.
Contract Without Expiration Date
Not Involved Physical Delivery
Uninterrupted Price Movements
Extremely Low Trading Costs
Real-time Commodities Market Quotes
Commodities> Trading Costs & Fees
* Each account has its own characteristics in terms of leverage, spreads, maximum volume, etc. In order to cater to the various trading styles and experience levels of investors, please choose the Account Type that suits your needs.
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12 languages are always available for investors to solve their problems.
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